
Trending news equities

Trending news published on various platforms in aggregated and shown for equities realtime.
Corporate announcements published are captured and displayed.

Trending news equities
Trending news Currency
Trending news Currency

Trending news published on various platforms in aggregated and shown for Currency markets realtime.

Trending news Commodity

Trending news published on various platforms in aggregated and shown for Commodity markets realtime.

Trending news Commodity
FNO data

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Trending news Commodity
Trending news Currency

Shows Nifty trend along with Put and call OI

Open Interest Build up

Shows call and put OI at 20 strikes 10 above and 10 below ATM Strike

Trending news Commodity
OI Change
Trending news Currency

Shows change in call and put OI as of the moment wrt to yesterday for 20 strikes

FII Vs Index Trends

Shows index trend along with FII positions

Trending news Commodity
Multi Strike OI
Trending news Currency

Shows intraday Trend of 4 different strikes

Trend Radar

TREND RADAR - a newly launch feature got added in Heckyl Trading Platform. RADAR is a 360 °- degree real time screener which scan pre-defined Bullish & Bearish events on live trading market and generates visual effects alerts for the users to understand the change in pattern on the movement of a stock trading in the exchange.
RADAR is visual representation of Screener events; this helps trader to understand visual occurrence of events when a stock price moves up or down. Visual occurrence helps trader to determine a pattern in movement of a security and in case similar patterns exist in future, it helps trader to take a decision to act on and build a position on a security.

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Radar Help

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ADAR helps you answer this question at any point and gives you supporting data like 52 Week along with Day’s High and Breaking Resistance that shows the ongoing momentum. Similar questions come up at security level (Individual stock level) and RADAR is ready to show them.

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Trending news Commodity
Waiting for data
Trending news Commodity

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Gives snapshot of required information about the company that helps to take informed decision

Trending news Commodity
Health Score
Trending news Currency

Gives seasonality data as to what was the returns in a particular months of a year

Peer comparison on health score

Evaluates company on various parameters

Trending news Commodity
Important Financial Ratios
Trending news Currency

Gives information on ratios and movements over time

Various Technical parameters for a given period

Shows technical analysis for the company on different parameters
Company specific news with recommendations and Sentiment Analysis to be removed

Trending news Currency
Option Chain
Trending news Commodity

For derivative stocks Option chain Shows what strikes are traded along with key numbers for OI, change in OI, greeks etcs

Technical screeners

Helps filter out stocks on specific conditions increasing probabillity for sucess

Trending news Currency


'"Heckyl aims to be a global leader in the space of information analytics for worldwide financial markets"'

'"We strive to raise the bar with everything that we offer and shall continue to do so till hell freezes over"'

Our Happy Clients

... and what they say

Ajay Menon
Ajay Menon
Chief Operating Officer
Motilal Oswal Securities Ltd.

In line with our philosophy of Knowledge First, today we have made a quantum leap in terms of information reaching across with the help of our state of the art integrated trading platform. Now we have news and price data analytics from Heckyl streaming at the traders' fingertips. We have achieved this with Heckyl, working as a cohesive team. This platform will greatly facilitate the traders and investors alike, in being better informed and making faster, more profitable decisions.
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Nirmal Jain
Nirmal Jain
Founder and Chairman
India Infoline Ltd.

Our partnership with Heckyl not only helps investors and traders in making the right trading strategy, it also accelerates market maturity.
Vinay Agarwal
Vinay Agarwal
Executive Director
Angel Broking Pvt. Ltd.

"Angel Broking was the first in the industry to introduce the FIND product to the customers. When we first met the Heckyl team, we could clearly identify with them since they shared our passion of providing pioneering & cutting-edge products to the customers. The FIND product has created a benchmark in the industry and our customers have been quite excited about using the product. It provides immediate & relevant news -straight from the source, eliminating the hassle of tracking multiple sources for the client. We are equally excited about the next set of products being developed by the Heckyl team."
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