Trending news published on various platforms in aggregated and shown for equities realtime.
Corporate announcements published are captured and displayed.
Trending news published on various platforms in aggregated and shown for Currency markets realtime.
Trending news published on various platforms in aggregated and shown for Commodity markets realtime.
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Shows Nifty trend along with Put and call OI
Shows call and put OI at 20 strikes 10 above and 10 below ATM Strike
Shows change in call and put OI as of the moment wrt to yesterday for 20 strikes
Shows index trend along with FII positions
Shows intraday Trend of 4 different strikes
TREND RADAR - a newly launch feature got added in Heckyl
Trading Platform. RADAR is a 360 °- degree real time screener which scan pre-defined Bullish & Bearish events on live trading market and generates visual effects alerts for the users to understand the change in pattern on the movement of a stock trading in the exchange.
RADAR is visual representation of Screener events; this helps trader to understand visual occurrence of events when a stock price moves up or down. Visual occurrence helps trader to determine a pattern in movement of a security and in case similar patterns exist in future, it helps trader to take a decision to act on and build a position on a security.
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ADAR helps you answer this question at any point and gives you supporting data like 52 Week along with Day’s High and Breaking Resistance that shows the ongoing momentum. Similar questions come up at security level (Individual stock level) and RADAR is ready to show them.
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Gives snapshot of required information about the company that helps to take informed decision
Gives seasonality data as to what was the returns in a particular months of a year
Evaluates company on various parameters
Gives information on ratios and movements over time
Shows technical analysis for the company on different parameters
Company specific news with recommendations and Sentiment Analysis to be removed
For derivative stocks Option chain Shows what strikes are traded along with key numbers for OI, change in OI, greeks etcs
Helps filter out stocks on specific conditions increasing probabillity for sucess